Thursday, May 6, 2021

Are There Any Non-Woke Agents Out There?


When I read agents' wishlists, they all want novels from BIPOC authors and LBGTQ narratives. Anyone looking for a just a story? What kind of books do people read nowadays? Is everything political? How closed-minded and dull their existence must be. 

I personally prefer biographies because I like actual life, but I have certainly read fiction I couldn't put down, even though it was long past time to go to bed. Just finish this chapter, I'd say, and that would stretch out for another half hour before I at last stuck the bookmark between the pages.

I actually did a Google search for "non-woke literary agents", but the results only pointed me toward the exact opposite. I guess Google isn't quite as intelligent as it thinks it is, if it can't even understand a simple query. Either that or there is no such thing as a non-woke agent. Maybe I should start an online concern that features regular stories written by flyover authors. I bet there's a market out there.

Meantime I will just keep doing what I do. I have experiences, even if they're not in-vogue experiences.

The other thing my imaginary online business will do is promote authors over the age of twenty. We're not all drooling imbeciles. I can definitively attest that I have never once drooled. And I've lived a life, with all the regrets and wisdom borne from it. 

But what am I saying? I really need to assume the identity of a queer woman of color. Then my novel will be a blockbuster!


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