Monday, June 14, 2021

It's Inevitable


Every author falls in love with their characters. If they don't, then I'm not sure I want to read about these irredeemable scofflaws. Not that there's anything wrong with being a scofflaw, or irredeemable, but something about that character must have infatuated the author. 

I experienced the phenomenon most keenly with my second novel, and I had a hard time letting Shelby go. But I eventually did. One agent told me Shelby wasn't likeable, and I thought, really? I would have chosen her as a best friend. Maybe it's me. Maybe that's why I've not succeeded in the publishing biz. I have odd taste in friends.

Eventually, though, I left Shelby behind and I barely remember her now. It's hard to maintain a friendship when you lose touch.

I haven't quite let go of my new friend Aubrey, but she's starting to fade. If nothing else comes out of my publishing quest, at least I've made a few new friends. That includes Jemma, the first person I met when I plunged into the fiction world. 

When one follows a person's life journey so intently, it's hard not to become invested in their existence. I sort of would like to know what happened to Aubrey after the story ended. I think she's probably okay, but her denouement remains a mystery. 

And when someone tells you they don't like your best friend? Them's fightin' words. But that's okay. I like who I like. 

Since I've essentially put aside my writing dream, I won't meet anyone like Jemma, Shelby, or Aubrey again.

But at least I met them.

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