Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Motivation Missing



I began a new novel (novella, whatever) months ago and I rarely even open the Word doc to add to it. My motivation is absolutely nonexistent. Today I tried, I really did. I added one sentence and closed the doc.

I might be suffering from post-failure syndrome. I worked so hard on The Apple, then I queried widely and received zero requests. Zero. So I self-published it and I just the other day sold my very first copy. (I published in August of 2021.) The Apple currently ranks #3,809,973 in the Kindle store. Is that bad? 😐

I'm beginning to think my writing days are behind me. Everyone says, write for yourself. Well, I do. But I also want someone to read what I write. In truth, I think I do write with the reader in mind, and maybe that's my problem. "Will this make sense?" "Should I reword this to avoid offending someone?" "Is this politically incorrect?"

If I was to truly write for myself, I would throw caution to the wind. I dislike constantly second guessing. 

Maybe that's what I need to do to regain my motivation. 

Your wisdom is appreciated!

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