Monday, January 30, 2023

My Latest Novella ~ Shadow Song


Shadow Song is finally published! It was a long slog, waiting for it to go live on Amazon. My previous books have never taken more than forty-eight hours to go live, but for some reason, this one took eight days (and only after approximately four prods on my part).

Here's Shadow Song's synopsis:

When a conglomerate buys out her small-town company, Ashley finds herself with few job options. She spies an ad for a portrait painter at a nearby lake resort, but when she arrives for her first day she discovers that instead of painting sidewalk vignettes, she’s been tasked with operating the resort’s amusement park rides. Not only that, but she’s now the supervisor of a group of teenagers, who she’s expected to train on a discipline she knows absolutely nothing about.

She considers abandoning the impossible task, but decides to stay and at least bluff her way through the first day. The naïve man who hired her stands watch as she fumbles her way through the first day’s training and he, in fact, compliments her expertise and offers her a resort residency on the spot, complete with a cabin all her own. Thereafter, Ashley splits her days between convincing vacationers to sit for a watercolor and teaching the newbies the intricacies of ferris wheel and Tilt-A-Whirl operation. Fortunately she makes friends with one of the itinerant ride handlers a week before he and his crew are set to move on to the next carnival, and he schools her in the intricacies of his trade. To Ashley’s surprise, she falls in love with the job. Good thing, because a new painting competitor has appeared farther down the boardwalk, and he’s suddenly stealing all her business.

She steadfastly avoids him, avoids even introducing herself, and begins taking a roundabout path through the woods so she can avoid the boardwalk and
him. The path is where, one night, late for work, she tumbles headfirst over a fallen log—which turns out to be a dead body. When she reports her discovery, the police decide that she is the prime murder suspect.
An unlikely ally helps Ashley steer the course of her ordeal, and the private investigator her dad hires provides her clueless attorney some much-needed backbone. But can she and her team convince the jury of her innocence?
You can buy it here: 



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