Saturday, August 19, 2023

Look On The Bright Side

I am grateful that I don't pay for my author website, such as it is. Yes, it's free, and it doesn't have any bells and whistles -- no interactive whatevers or floating dynamics -- but it's nice because I made sure it was nice. I like the black interface; it's classy and photos stand out nicely against it. I included all the requisite pages -- welcome page landing, books, bio, even a blog. And since the only person who visits it is me, I paid exactly the right price for it. Seriously though, it's important to me to present myself professionally. It could just receive a visit one day.

I am grateful that I enjoy writing and using my imagination -- most of the time. Sometimes I just don't feel like writing or I don't have a new idea, and that's okay. It's not a job.

I am grateful that I can look at the book covers on my Amazon author page and know that I accomplished something. I did that.

I am grateful that I didn't pay for book cover design, although I may have to rethink that. On one hand, since I haven't sold any books in ages, designing my own covers seems the fiscally responsible thing to do. On the other hand, is that why I haven't sold anything? My covers aren't appealing? When I compare them to other books, mine are obviously handmade; not in a bad way, but it's clear an artist didn't design them. This is something worth pondering.

I am grateful that my total outlay for advertising has been only about seventy dollars. I could have spent a thousand dollars (easily) if I had that kind of money, but my net result would be the same -- zero sales.

So, today in light of disappointing news, I am choosing to look on the bright side. Tomorrow I may whine a bit.


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