Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Feedback and the Lack Thereof

A few posts back I talked about my serious lack of feedback. As I noted, the last comment I received on one of my blogs was in 2013. I have, in total, two blogs and four websites. I have a website for April Tompkins, another for Michelle Patrice, one for our band Red River, and the fourth for my brilliant idea for a digital music magazine, Hitsvilly.

Then, I have this blog plus my long-established other, Rich Farmers. (No, there will be no more!) All are set to notify me via email when a comment is received. I guess I forgot that I did receive a comment on April Tompkins, the comment that wanted me to publicize their own stupid website discovery. That was more irritating than no comments at all.

How did I end up with so many sites?

April began life on Wix, which I previously explained was too expensive to maintain for such a crummy interface. So I migrated her to Blogger, once I discovered that, yes, it's possible to turn a Blogger account into a website. Wix wouldn't release my domain, so instead of a "com", April ended up with a "net". I long ago reconciled that fact.

Red River originally resided on HostBaby. HostBaby now costs users twenty dollars a month ~ I don't recall how much it was when I employed it, but probably not a lot less. Of course, that was my first experience starting a site, and as I've detailed in past posts, I was woefully naive. The only advantage of HostBaby was that we could feature our tracks, and fans were able to buy directly from the site (BTW, no one ever did). The band retired sometime ago, which means I'm no longer seriously promoting, but Blogger came to the rescue once again as a place to house our still-relevant music. Alas, all I am able to do, however, is direct folks to Amazon to purchase and to Spotify to sample. Still...

Michelle Patrice is my latest and those three buyers of BOOM! (I don't count myself) definitely have a place to go for news and music commentary. They haven't done that, but they certainly could.

Hitsvilly is my digital music magazine. What originally drove that idea was my husband suggesting that each of us write posts about our musical memories (he was in a writing phase for about two seconds) and we'd compile them. So, I wrote a really long missive about one year in my musical life...and then he lost interest. I thought I'd written well enough that my piece deserved a home, and I initially thought both he and I would be contributors. So I created a site with both of us in mind. I had rights to Hitsvilly already, so I made use of it. Hitsvilly was the name of my short-lived podcast (more about that in another post), but I'd given up on that pipe dream and the name was just hanging around, so ta da. No additional expense required. No one (and I mean no one) has ever once visited it.

Rich Farmers will always hold a special place in my heart. I spent years and years updating it regularly, pretty much every weekend night and on holidays. Rich Farmers basically depicts my life over the past sixteen years. When Rich Farmers began, it was my only writing venue. I wrote about not only music, but about every aspect of my life, from family to work, to COVID lockdowns. It's my personal journal, and it will stay out there forever.

I began the blog you're (I'm?) reading when I embarked on writing fiction. There were so many frustrations involved with querying agents that I needed a place to blow off steam. And this place is it. I probably should have named it The Bitch Blog, but I found a site that offered naming suggestions, and Michelleable was the one I liked best. And was more proper.

One would think, just by accident, someone would find one of these six sites, yet no one has. I'm in the Google search results. Maybe no one is looking for what I'm writing. Or, like my books, someone did find one of them but was bored, so they quickly clicked off. 

I haven't visited Hitsvilly and Red River for a few months, and for some reason, Rich Farmers is disturbingly quiet. I continue to update April Tompkins to make it better, Michelle Patrice was a one-off. The only place I find myself anymore is here. I'm here most likely because I've taken a break from fiction writing, but not from "writing writing".

However, I would be thrilled to pieces if I received just one notification of a comment on any of them. 

That said, I'm not going to hold my breath.


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