Monday, November 13, 2023




Yes, I've now reached that stage. I'm essentially The Turtles on Rhino Records, repackaging all my old hits. Buy me now! Last chance! I mean, last chance today.

I'm in a writing funk and I need an activity. Thus, I'm going to reformat four of my novellas into a stand-alone collection. My tag line: "If you didn't like me before, you're really not gonna like me now!"

So, I've essentially taken a highly-praised (by one person) novella and combined it with three of my others, which are highly praised by me, and smushed them together into one new book.

No, I haven't published yet. I still need to create a cover. And I haven't decided how to price it. I'll say, one bazillion dollars! Why not? Nobody's buying me at one dollar and ninety-nine cents, so the sky's the limit! Imagine the royalties! I'm shopping for new living room furniture as I write! What am I saying? A new house! With an in-ground pool and a passel of rescue dogs! Sasha won't like it, but she'll adjust. I'll finally escape the frozen winters and move somewhere warm ~ with all my dogs and Sasha. 

All this excitement is going to keep me up all night, but that's the price a vaunted author must pay. 

And I promise, you'll be the first to know about my publishing marvel. 

Start counting out your pennies! You're not gonna want to miss this!


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