Friday, November 10, 2023

So, I Bit The Bullet


Did I say that GoDaddy is worthless? It's clear that my awesome domain name (which miraculously ends in "com" ~ almost impossible to get) will never, ever work.  I'm done, fini, with that awful company. I did make sure that I hadn't chosen auto-renew.

Thus, I chose a new domain name ~ certainly not through GoDaddy ~ I used NameCheap this time, and this time I ended up with a "net". That's okay; not ideal, but my main author site ends in "net" and I've gotten used to it. 

Before I even attempted to plug in the Blogger CNAMEs, I initiated a chat with NameCheap's customer support. I couldn't bear to suffer the same headaches I had with GoDaddy. The person (a woman, I think?) was helpful and pointed me toward the correct steps. (First, she tried to get me to watch a how-to video, but you know how those are ~ they never show you what you need to do and where to do it.) So, I gave the rep the exact CNAMEs Blogger had provided and she told me what to place where.

Granted, I had to delete my previous website and create a brand new one, and granted the jury is still out. I do realize that there is a lag before the redirect starts working. I would say I'm holding my breath, but I don't have that much lung capacity. 

Frankly, this whole imbroglio has kind of soured me on my new book. I'm someone who likes to tie up the whole package, then sit back and soak up the satisfaction. This has been stop-start, stop-start, stress and anger. 

I still have to edit the website address in my book and then re-upload it, which thankfully is a smoother process than attaching a stupid domain. But I won't do that until I am certain my new website actually works. 

And then I'm done. If it doesn't work this time, I'll still edit my book and simply remove any contact info, then delete my new site and give the hell up.

So, how was your day? '


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