Saturday, February 10, 2024

Blog Neglect

I began music blogging in 2007, and I was SO faithful to it. My blog was my weekend relaxation. I posted at least once every weekend, often twice. Music has so many facets, one could write forever and never run out of topics. Even when I began writing my first novel, my music blog was my exhale. I could sit back, turn on Sirius or later, Spotify and an idea would immediately pop into my head. I didn't have to think about continuity or plot holes. I needn't worry about inventing a subplot just to add more words. Too, my music blog always included music videos, and it was fun revisiting the tracks and artists I was writing about.

Now I pen a post roughly every couple of months, and that's primarily to keep my blog from going dormant. It's not for fear of disappointing my followers. While my stats show 73 of them, I doubt that any are actual people. Spammers and bots love to glom onto any site that offers a subscribe option. I'm not sure why.

I still love music, but I think it's outgrown me, if that makes any sense. I got stuck somewhere in the nineties and never bothered to catch up. Radio turned really bad around the year 2000, almost a quarter century ago, and what little newer music I sample proves that there hasn't been a turnaround.  

But it's not just my music blog I've neglected. From time to time I'll latch onto an idea that sounds great and run with it. That's how my digital music magazine started. Blogger is free and a domain name is ridiculously inexpensive. So, why not? The thing is, I don't even visit it, much less anyone else. If anyone ever stumbled upon it, they must have hated it, because I've had zero engagement. And the truth is, the site is pretty good. Will I keep it? I'll decide when my domain comes up for renewal, I guess.

Then there's the one-off I created for my book of essays. It's not a blog, per se, but it was created using Blogger. I sold three copies of my book when it was first published, and have never sold another. Everyone says an author must have a website, even if they've only published one book, so once again I purchased a domain. And there the site sits ~ lonely. I used to update it with little posts in the blog section, but I've essentially given up on that. I fail to see the point.

Now I concentrate on the blog you're reading (hello? echo, echo) and my primary author site. I'll never let my original blog die completely ~ it's a matter of principle ~ but I have to face the fact that I've moved on from music. I would have no problem keeping up with this number of blogs if I found the subject matter interesting. As I've said before, I've got nothing but time. And if anyone showed an interest, I would feel more engaged and motivated to do it. 

I suppose it doesn't hurt to keep them out there. I dislike discarding things I've created (see: second novel), but that's pretty much what all these sites will be doing ~ sitting.



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