Saturday, February 3, 2024

Rewrite or No?

I awoke this morning with the question of whether I could somehow salvage my second novel, the one I summarily unpublished the other day. My first thought was changing the perspective from third person to first. I do so much better in first, and that could potentially spur my interest. 

Unfortunately, there is so much more wrong with the novel ~ not that third person is necessarily wrong; just wrong for me. I remain unconvinced that the story is worth a complete rewrite. I would have to cut, or severely condense, the flashbacks, which would impact my word count. But I suppose I could turn it into a long novella.

The question is, would it be worth it? I'm no longer attached to the story ~ it was a long time ago ~ and it's not as if the main plot point is relevatory in any way. It's one thing to start over on something fresh in one's mind, although that sounds sucky, too; but to have to constantly refer back to the host document to find out what happens next sounds boring as hell.

Maybe I'd be better off simply starting a new story and chalking this one up as a loss. However, I don't have even a germ of an idea right now, and I at least like to have a "germ" before I begin. 

I always drag myself kicking and screaming into the next project, but once I find myself there, it's an enjoyable time. Right now I'm leaning toward starting something new. My best ideas come to me in the shower, so I'm going to count on that happening this time.

The one thing I like about the shelved novel is the setting and the main character's occupation. I pretty much hate everything else. So perhaps I could turn those into something completely new and different. Or perhaps not. The ghost of failures past would probably continue to haunt me.



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