Sunday, February 25, 2024

Something Worked (A Little)

I checked my sales report today, expecting nothing, but I somehow made four sales yesterday. If you've read my last post, you know that I went a little crazy submitting my book to "off the beaten path" promo sites. At least one of them worked. It would be nice to know which one(s), but all I know is that all four sales came from the US. That rules out a couple of sites.

It's ironic that most of the sites I submitted to were free, whereas I've spent far too much money on places like BookBub and barely managed to move about three (paid) copies. It doesn't pay to believe the hype.

Granted, I reduced my book's price to ninety-nine cents, and granted, I spent a whole lot of time submitting ~ filling out forms, uploading cover images, answering interview questions (!), pasting my social media addresses in; but I feel a bit vindicated right now. One can't say I haven't put forth the effort.

Sure, this is but a temporary blip. Most of my promos have already run, and I maintain that if someone doesn't bite on that first day, they're not going to. Yes, many of these places will display a book on their website in addition to blasting it out one time via newsletter, but if it's sitting amidst a whole slew of other books, no one is going to notice it.  

Still, the feeling is rather nice. 

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