Thursday, March 21, 2024

Amazingly Lame

I've taken to re-reading my previous day's writing output, something I never did in the past. Generally I don't re-read, except for possibly the last paragraph, just to make sure I'm picking up the story in the right place. My preference is to not read until the entire manuscript is finished. 

However, I've detailed in this blog the difficulties I'm having with this new story, specifically not knowing where to go with it. On the plus side, the writing is solid, probably the most solid I've ever done. 

In re-reading yesterday, I loved how the story flowed. Until it just stopped. That's it? My four-hour writing session resulted in only this? I had to count ~ 1,550 words. In four hours. That has to be an all-time record low. Yes, I did a tiny bit of research, but there was no dawdling involved. I'm not happy.

At this rate the manuscript will be a never-ending tale. The calendar will suddenly flip over to June and here I'll be, still plugging away at fewer than 400 words per hour.

Something needs to change.  

I suppose I could dose myself with caffeine, but that would eventually result in crankiness, and instead of a cute little narrative, I'll end up penning a horror story. 

Herein lies the problem of not knowing where the hell to take something. I find myself adding little scenes, albeit well written ones, that add little to nothing to the plot. 

I'm vowing that today something will happen. It has to. 

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