Sunday, March 31, 2024

Maybe Too Much Writing Isn't Good, Either

I certainly exceeded my normal writing output yesterday. While I haven't read what I wrote, I vaguely remember adding a whole scene that, while clarifying, isn't engrossing. My initial problem was, I had to get my MC from Point A to Point B, instead of skipping right to C, as I had previously. I had a hole to fill. So, what's better ~ being so upset that she drives a measly three miles to her home? Or being so distraught that she takes off across country? Of course she did the latter. That led to a deep conversation with her father that barely went anywhere. I suppose it did manage to flesh out the "Dad" character, although he's really a minor player. But women's fiction is supposedly character driven, so readers may like to get to know the people who inhabit the MC's life. 

Of course I spent way too much time on those scenes, but I eventually needed to string them together with my Point C, requiring some changes. Damn. I liked what I'd already written.

This story is schizophrenic. 

Now the MC is back to hiking down the road to town, in the dark and in the rain, trying desperately to flag down the one car that happens to pass by (and failing). She's unsure of what to do, as am I. Admittedly I was a bit punchy by this point, so I left her turning around and heading back home to rescue a bird. (I'd also had a few drinks.)

I vaguely know how the action proceeds; I just don't know how to get there. I'm guessing it's not via a bird.

If nothing else, re-reading my scenes will be good for a laugh. I might be able to perform some magical origami and fold this flat sheet of paper into a beautiful ~ I won't say "bird" ~ something else that's beautiful.

Pro Tip: Always write sober.




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