Monday, March 4, 2024


Can bad reviews be good? The answer is, not really. The term "bad review" is self-descriptive. Can a bad review send an author reeling? If you're me, absolutely. It takes me a while to gain perspective. I'm a reactor, probably because I have no self-esteem, and thus criticism only confirms what I already think about myself. Is it worse to be an egoist who gets shot down or a mouse who expects to get shot down? Some ascribe to the notion that if you expect nothing, you won't be disappointed. On the other hand, if you think you are the greatest being in God's creation, you most likely assume that all the naysayers are ignorant and flat-out wrong.

Putting oneself out there is scary. One step onto the high wire could easily kill you, but maybe luck will be on your side and you'll trip across it and alight on the far platform in triumph. I come down on the side of "killing". It's best to not even take that bet. 

That's where I land when it comes to begging for reviews, and to promotion. I stepped onto the high wire and almost passed out. No, I didn't die ~ it just felt like I did.  

The final score on all this isn't in yet, but I've decided to take it like a man, whatever the outcome. (Sorry, does that sound misogynistic? It can't, because I'm a female. Get over yourselves, word police.) 

So I had one bad review (so far). Yes, it was a two-star, and no, the reviewer didn't explain why she didn't like my book. For the absence of narrative, I should at least be grateful. But, you know, there are a lot of things I don't like, because I'm a unique individual. My husband loves shrimp. I won't even let its rubbery texture cross my lips. I would give shrimp a negative review. Perspective.

I'm not supposed to be checking for reviews anymore, but it's a hard habit to break. I do a lot of things online out of habit. I have a routine ~ when I first get up, I watch my favorite podcast. Then I check out four of my trusted news sites. Those tasks, plus X, get me up to speed on what's happening in the world. Then I check my email accounts* (I have five to check ~ don't ask). I look at the latest Reddit posts for something that might interest me. Then I'm kind of done. So I do what every curious author does ~ look at my sales stats and take a quick scan for reviews.

*I have a new follower on BookBub. BookBub? Now, that's just weird.

I found a new review today. It's four stars, and it has narrative. It's nice; I like it. This unique individual liked my book. Does seeing it make me giddy? No. It does put a smile on my face, but I'm maintaining perspective. That good review did what I needed it to do ~ overshadow the bad one. That's all.

And it might have unfrozen me with regard to writing. I'm still not going to search out reviews for my latest ~ I'm done with that. But it did give a teeny bump to my self-esteem.


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