Thursday, March 7, 2024

Writers Can't Trust Their Own Judgment?

A lot, and I do mean a lot of self-published authors hire editors. Even if that service wasn't cost-prohibitive for me, I don't know why I would do it. 

Do they just think they're supposed to? I read a post tonight from someone who's considering hiring a developmental editor for thousands of dollars. Responders are saying that even a proofreader will set someone back tons of money. 

If an author is so uncertain of their story that they need someone to tell them where they messed up, maybe they need more writing practice. In the novel I'm revising now, I well know what's wrong. I didn't know that when I wrote it, but that's because it was only the second novel I ever wrote. I'm currently tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to fix its problems, but at least I know there are problems and where they are. And I sure don't need an editor to "rewrite" my book for me. That's sorta my job.

I understand that publishing houses have editors who work with authors all the time, even successful authors. I suppose that would be nice. Obviously, that's impossible for me, so I'm forced to figure things out for myself. 

Too, I view things as cost/reward. Authors on Goodreads, for example, talk about their books being professionally edited (as if that gives them a gold star), but have they sold more books than I have? 

As for a copy editor, come on. Are writers too lazy to make sure all their words are spelled correctly? Do they not see that they've used the same word repetitively, sometimes even in the same sentence? If they're unsure of correct usage, do they not know that Google exists? I'm going to pay for that? As Logan Roy would say, fuck off. 

Writers who talk about professional editing strike me as essentially illiterate. If you're a writer who can't spell, did you ever read a book? One naturally absorbs correct spelling simply by reading. Unless you suffer from perpetual amnesia. 

And since I've never worked with an editor, I wonder what I'd do if one told me to change a certain part of my book. Take their word for it? Who are they? Are they inside my head and know the story I'm writing? Write your own story!

I trust my own judgment far more than I trust anyone's. I'm not kidding. Everybody has heard tons of advice throughout their lifetime. How much of it actually worked out? "Well, if I were you..." Except you're not me. You're operating from your own life's circumstances, your own biases, your personal preferences. And just because I'm paying you doesn't make you right. 

Writers write. Wannabe writers edit.  

If you're wealthy and decide to dabble in penning a novel, by all means, throw as much money as you want at editing. If you're poor like me, maybe buck up and save your hard-earned funds. Struggle and sweat and tear your hair out over your writing. That's kind of what you're supposed to do. 

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