Thursday, April 11, 2024

Giving In

I own a few domains, and it's hard to remember which ones were registered with which entity. Today I received an email from Google, informing me that one of them has now been migrated over to Squarespace. Okay, fine. Unfortunately, I can't recall if I'd set the domain to auto-renew. If so, I need to fix that.

My website for the one-off book I wrote under a different pen name is silly and useless. When I first published I managed to sell four copies and haven't sold another one since. It's a book of essays, which isn't everyone's cup of tea; plus, I suspect it's not very good. I'd culled the essays from my music blog and cleaned them up a bit, and I considered a lot of them to be pretty good. I don't think anyone else agrees. 

Anyway, I haven't visited the book's website in ages, and needless to say, I haven't updated it at all. I began posting some new thoughts on music on its "blog" tab and then I just stopped. No one has ever visited the site, and with only four copies of the book sold, how many visits did I expect? I'm someone who flashes on an idea and plows ahead with it, regardless of its inanity. 

I'm going to let the site slowly disappear. I haven't decided whether to unpublish the book from Amazon ~ it's not really hurting anything by sitting on the shelf and I'm not ashamed of it. No one's buying my other books, either, so lack of sales shouldn't even be a factor. I've come to the realization, though, that everything one does doesn't require a PR site. Admittedly, I like the bells and whistles. I enjoy creating things. But paying for a lifeless domain is dumb. 

I try not to focus on failure. It's just too soul-crushing.

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