Saturday, May 4, 2024

As The Story Turns

I'm feeling an obligation to keep going with my current story, and thus yesterday I once again plugged away at it. I have a nagging feeling, though, that I'm foreshadowing the culprit too obviously, and I'm apparently not a skilled enough writer to avoid that. It could be an easy fix; however, an avid reader, by the time they've reached this point, will have already solved the mystery.

Then again, the story isn't meant to be a mystery. I, for one, don't mind reading a lot of exposition, but it all has to lead somewhere. I dread the thought of editing out parts, because once I go down that road, I'm pretty much doomed. I'm simply not a cut and paste writer. 

So, where does the story currently stand? Well, I managed to introduce yet another character, a person who my MC wrongly accused, but now has become more or less a mentee. 

I have continued the renovation process, for all that's worth. And another menacing incident occurred (see: foreshadowing done badly). 

Now that I've eliminated this new character as a viable suspect, perhaps I need to point the finger at someone else. The trouble is, I'd need to invent that "someone else", because none of the known people in her life fit the bill (except for the actual villain). I think, though, that this is what I'll need to do.

My far too brief novella is inadvertently becoming a short novel. That was hardly my intent. 

It's possible this could all work out. It's just a lot of damn work. 

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