Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Eager To Finish

My June newsletter didn't result in any unsubscribes (yet), which is surprising. I always get one or two. But I did get another ARC request, which leads me to want to finish this damn book even more. Yesterday was not a writing day, but I still worked on my manuscript a bit between household chores. This is not the best method for me. I like to have a dedicated writing time when I can fully concentrate on my writing and establish a flow. But this novella is taking so long, it's bordering on the ridiculous. It may be because my writing days have been reduced by one day a week, or the result of taking so long to find the story's focus. 

I will say that I'm pretty sick of my characters now. The most interesting one is someone who's not been given much page space, but at least has a fully developed personality. And truthfully, my MC's fiance/boss is coming across as sort of a wimp. He's too agreeable, while MC is too immersed in trying not to hurt anyone's feelings. They both suck. Right now they're like party guests who can't take the hint that you're tired and just want to go to bed, but they refuse to leave. (Can you tell I've been living with this story too long?)

Yesterday I finally got to the final scene. My intent was to just start it and edit later, but I managed to write most of it. Since I began this story way back in March, it seems I've forgotten some key elements. Originally when the MC found the rundown motel, she discovered an algae-infested pond out back with one folded-up chaise lounge lying nearby and she rightfully deduced that this area had been a relaxation spot for guests. Plus, she and her now-fiance actually bonded over an old postcard he showed her of the pond back in its glory days. Well, I forgot all that. In the final scene I show the fiance building a patio out back with zero thought given to the pond. (It's right there, idiot!) The rehabilitated pond was supposed to bring the story full circle. So obviously I'll need to rework that scene (speaking of idiots). 

Then there's the fact that I kind of blew the entire scenario. I have her inviting thirty-two guests to her party, so apparently they're all crammed together on this tiny patio. It's a wonder any of them can even reach for an appetizer. They all must be pretty sweaty by now. Scrap and redo, as they say. Logistically (and this makes me laugh) I have no egress from the front of the building to the back. This means everyone has to park in the front, then traipse around the building through the mud to get to the party. Fun times! There is a back door, but that route cuts through a dingy utility room where all the cleaning supplies and the furnace and water heater reside. Oops, duck! Look out for those ceiling pipes! Am I really going to need to build another back door? How the heck? I'm no architect. Can I just cut into the building willy-nilly? This is so frustrating. Maybe this lapse in judgement wouldn't make a difference to readers, but it matters to me. I suppose I can employ MC's dad to do some structural work. Can't rely on the fiance, because he's apparently too busy nodding along to my MC's every harebrained scheme. 

I guess this is why I blog this stuff. It allows my brain to notice plot holes. Anyway, by the end of the week this thing is going to be done. Not done done, but at least ready for editing. I don't even want to think about that.

I just hope by the end of the year I'm not still telling my ARC readers that this book will be "coming soon".


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