Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Really, Really Spinning My Wheels

Granted, the happenings of this week have not been conducive to writing; yet I tried. The problem is, either my book is lacking focus or it has a focus that remains unclear.

At least the first iteration of Second Chance was a story, albeit a bad one. Now it seems I'm simply writing a series of vignettes. I'm beginning to question whether I can pull this off and if I even want to. Is it worth it? 

There is a big piece of this tale that I'm failing to see. Once I made the decision to have my main character accept the record label's offer, the story moved to a new town, replacing the tiny hamlet that was almost a character in itself. Now she's in the big, generic city (a real city, but it's still a nonentity) and she keeps meeting new people who only serve the purpose of driving a narrative. They might have an inkling of a personality, but no more than that. And frankly, I'm not interested enough in them to grant them much of a role.

So, yesterday's writing session consisted of the MC going home for Christmas, having been given a week off from her label duties. Brief conversations ensue between her and her Mom and cousin ~ little nothings, really ~ before she's called back to Nashville to perform at a New Year's Eve bash due to an unexpected artist cancellation. There's a mix-up that results in no one securing her a backup band, so she has to go out on the big stage solo and perform acoustic versions of the two songs she's been allotted. The scene began as cringeworthy as I wanted it to be, but at the last minute I saved her (and basically copped out) by having a band appear behind her in the middle of her number and pick up the song. The A&R guy who was at the venue with her had scrambled and found some players at the last minute. Some big female star had given him permission to use her band.

So, naturally, MC had to go back to the star's dressing room to thank her. Which introduced yet another character. The woman is salty, for sure, and world-weary. She could be fun, but I don't know what purpose she serves or could serve in the story.

I seem to be practicing avoidance. I have a hazy idea of what the ultimate conclusion to the story should be, but no idea how to get there. All I know is, something needs to happen fast. The trouble is, realistically MC's album won't be released for at least two or three months, so what do I do with her in the meantime? 

This is becoming more like writing practice than an actual book. My time might be better spent starting something new. If I don't come up with some ideas soon, that could well happen.




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