Thursday, August 29, 2024

Late Nights

I keep an odd schedule. I like it. It began by accident or rather, by life circumstance. I had a sick pet who got up around midnight each day and needed care. Thus, I got used to rising as the clock struck twelve, and I never quite shook that schedule. Of course, that means that I retire quite early, before the sun has set, but it works for me. (And I'm not accountable to anyone anyway.)

One would think that for a writer, being up so early would be a boon. Lots of uninterrupted time to work out my story, tap away with no distractions. 

I never write at night. Ever.  

Writing feels like my job; a part-time job, to be sure, but work nonetheless. Who likes to start work the minute they wake up? No, I like to ease into my day ~ have a cup of coffee, watch my favorite podcast, check X. (Very few people are up and posting on X in the middle of the night; it feels like a little club.) I have a dwindling number of news sites I browse, plus I always check out Saving Country Music, especially now that I'm writing about the business and I'm completely out of touch with the modern scene. One of its articles even became fodder for a scene in Second Chance, in a roundabout way. 

Despite not writing, I could always reread my previous output, but again, that's work and I'm just not very engaged at that hour. And frankly, reviewing what I've written tends to be anxiety-inducing, since I'm never, ever happy with it. No, the early hours are all about relaxation.

Other authors are always advising writers to "grab whatever time you have to write". Nope. Not me. No one's paying me to do this, so what's the rush? 

It's far more important to have some "me" time. Everyone needs that. Some lazy time. 

Authors, don't be so driven unless you thrive on that. Make time to do nothing. 

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