Thursday, August 8, 2024

Very Little to Report

Yesterday, again, I hit a bump. I barely managed to advance the story at all; instead I labored to add more colorful descriptions to previously written scenes. And it's clear I know absolutely nothing about concert setup. I don't want to come across as a complete dolt, so I researched as best I could. The sum of my previous knowledge, despite all the concerts I've attended in my life, is that "some guys do things" to get the stage ready. And my experiences weren't even recent concerts, when the sets grew out of control with giant screens and elaborate lighting and computerized sound systems. What is each person called? Didn't know. Who all travels to the concert dates? And just how many different types of managers are there? Apparently a bunch. I glommed as much as I could from searches, but getting too technical would bog the story down, so I just endeavored to get the job titles right.

Even before that, I continued the tour bus scene from when my main character first boarded to the superstar showing off her private lounge. I found a video of some artist and his wife giving a tour of his bus, because damned if I could imagine the layout in my mind. I'm dissatisfied with that scene and need to improve on it. 

But back to the concert. MC is obviously the opening act, and it's her giant shot at making a name for herself. I wanted to emphasize that while she's pretty uncertain in her private life, she's spent years on stages and has no fear of performing in front of a crowd. It's all the peripheral things that are new to her, so she's taking it all in. While she's performed in countless clubs and some local outdoor venues, she's never encountered anything this elaborate. I know; this sounds boring to me, too, as I'm typing it.

She does get a phone call from her mother during soundcheck, and we learn that Mom has a new boyfriend who's taken her on an island vacation, which is why she can't be in attendance at MC's first performance. It was important to start weaving some of the previous characters back into the story, and this scene revealed that after Mom's ill-advised fling with MC's much younger friend, she's settled into a real relationship. I even threw in some humorous lines, because, man, these characters are all too serious. 

Little minor asides ~ MC's relationship with her mentor is not always smooth sailing. The superstar can be prickly, especially, we learn, about her private life. She's carrying some secret, which is a secret even to me at this point, but she's got one. Also, MC becomes a bit annoyed when the star turns down her request to bring some players with her on the tour. Of course, she doesn't know that the star knows she has an ulterior motive in asking. MC desperately wants to reconnect with the guitarist she traveled with on her Texas club tour, and she hits on the idea of inviting him to play backup for her on the star's tour. She doesn't even admit that ulterior motive to herself. Worse, the star gives no reason for turning her down. So, while it's clear that there's true affection between the two women, all is not butterflies and roses. Just like in real life.

This all may be becoming too complicated, but isn't that what a novel needs? Complications? Otherwise it's just a travelogue. 

I'm still struggling with fleshing out my main character. Again, she reacts, but rarely acts. I think it's time for her to start saying no once in a while. Someone may need to sit her down and tell her to stop being such a people pleaser. Maybe a bit more success will bring about a change.

So, the bones are there, or are getting there; and thus I keep tapping away. 

I have to keep reminding myself that this will be a long process. I just wish I could write faster and not second guess so much ~ apparently just like my MC.


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