Friday, September 13, 2024

Befores and Afters

Some of my cover redesigns turned out better than others. In my last post I detailed my process for selecting and modifying pre-made Canva templates. Bear in mind when viewing these that the designs need no connection to the actual stories. My goal was to match my genre's expectations (which are quite evident by doing an Amazon search of women's fiction best sellers). While the genre's covers should technically be ugly, I do have my limits of what I will accept. Only a couple of my new ones are, to me, ugly, but you be the judge.


The only cover that didn't change was New Kaitlyn, because aside from the font, the image jibes with my genre:




I'm okay with them for now. I don't think Shadow Song's cover improved, but I'll live with it for a while.

So, if only for posterity, I find it valuable to post the befores and the afters.

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