Monday, September 9, 2024

I'm Not Saying "Never"

I actually haven't found it too hard not to write. Not writing is like anything else that changes one's routine; you just have to get used to it. It's probably like trying to break any other habit ~ you need to train yourself to not reach for it. I haven't opened Microsoft Word in days. It may be suffering from loneliness, but parting is difficult for both parties involved.

In truth, I was stuck not knowing where to go with my story anyway. And maybe a little tired. Constant writing isn't necessarily a good thing, no matter what the popular consensus is. Just write. Really? Just write anything? That hardly seems productive. I left off at a point in the story in which events were just starting to come to a head. It was no time to simply vomit words onto the screen. 

It could be that I wrote myself into a corner, but regardless, that's not my issue. I could certainly find my way out of it. No, it's time that's the issue. I will never have the time to think the story through, much less write it. I suspect that I write differently from most authors. I don't plan. My best ideas come to me while I'm writing. I could sit and ponder how to continue my last scene, but if the words aren't typed out, they mean nothing. They're just amorphous thoughts; ones that probably won't work within the story. And right now I'm so removed from the narrative that it's lost all emotion for me. Leah is fading away.

At some point I might come back to it, dependent upon my life circumstances. I did come back to it after a long absence to begin with, so it can be done. I'd completely lost touch with Leah, but we reconnected. To be fair, though, my revision of Second Chance was like writing a whole new story, just with the same character. 

Time apart might be just what the two of us need.


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