Friday, October 4, 2024

I Snuck In a Bit of Writing Time

How are writers able to produce so much in a short period of time? Is everything they write crap? I know that many of them go with the adage, "just write", but I don't see how that's productive. I don't want to end up with a horrible manuscript I'll have to completely rewrite.

I found a free hour or so yesterday and with that time I wrote one scene. Not even a long scene. It was a pivotal one, though. I'm not entirely satisfied with it. It needed to have impact, since it was the closing of a door for good. 

My main character had to say something meaningful, and that's tricky. Generally, I think less is more. She wasn't going to spew out a long soliloquy. Unfortunately, I boxed her in, so she couldn't zoom off after she said what she needed to say. She's sitting in her car waiting for her friend to come out and say goodbye, when her old flame suddenly appears. He's the last person she expects to see as she's readying to leave town, and it throws her. 

All of the above amounted to a few paragraphs. Really. If I was a prolific writer, I would have written pages, but all those pages would be garbage. As you know, I don't outline my stories, so I'm constantly pondering what comes next. Even when I do know what comes next, like with this scene, I still need to work out how to write it. And yes, I edit as I go. I'm not OCD, but I can't move on until I'm satisfied with what came before. I'm going to have a ton of editing to do as is ~ completely revising the first half of the story.

Personally, I'll be glad to finally get my protagonist out of Chance. I've exhausted all the interesting possibilities of her temporary stay, and I don't know what's going to happen once she gets back to Nashville, but I'm pretty sure it won't be anything good. That should be fun.

Even if I can only write every couple of weeks, I'm not giving up. Somehow, someday, this novel will get finished.






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