Saturday, January 18, 2025

My Weekly (Weakly) Recap

When I was still working, I always knew what day of the week it was, because it mattered. Everybody who has a job does it ~ "Only two more days 'til the weekend", or "Damn! Tomorrow's Monday!" Now I never know what day it is, and even when I think I do, I usually get it wrong. So, this week has suddenly come and gone, and I'm trying to think if I have anything to show for it.

I did some variation of editing at least for an hour or two every day. Some of that consisted of listening to a readback, and I must say, I'm getting really tired of my Microsoft Word narrator. AI thinks it's so smart, but it doesn't know how to apply the correct emphasis when reading back text. At times "she" is overly enthusiastic about passages or single words that aren't meant to convey excitement. Thus, she reads "yes" as "Yes!" And really, if I want her to reinterpret my story, I'll let her know. (Except we can't actually talk to one another.) She reads something like "It's been so long" as "It's been sooooo long." Just read the damn thing! Plus, she's far from perfect. I wrote the line, "I'll be with you in a sec." Oh, no. It's "I'll be with you in an S.E.C." "Bros" she reads as "brothers". No, I meant bros; it's slang.

Besides editing, I made two important decisions. I came up with my title and I designed the book cover. Those are not only vital aspects of readying the book for publication, but they have a psychological benefit, too. They make the project real...and possible. I'm still wavering on whether it'll be good enough to publish, but picturing the finished product gives me a goal to work toward. And now, if I wanted to, I could do a bit of pre-marketing. I could do a cover reveal to try to gin up interest. I may do that on my website, but unfortunately, I no longer have a newsletter, which would be the ideal spot for it. 

And there went my week (so fast!) 

I guess it wasn't such a weak week after all. 

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