Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The One Story You Have to Write

I'm not going to laugh over the many, many Reddit posters who've had a story rattling around in their brains for years, which now they just have to write. Okay, I am going to laugh. Just how original and awesome is this story? Because there really aren't any new stories; there are new ways to tell an old story, but everything has been done before. 

Aside from my amusement, I have to wonder just how obsessive these people are. One story? For years? Aren't you bored with it by now, before you've even written it? And by the way, why haven't you written it, or at least started writing it? Did you not have access to a keyboard or a pen?

I so cannot relate. When I sit down to start something new, I have no story; nothing. And I can't imagine only having one story in me. That wouldn't bode well for someone who wanted to take writing seriously, unless they plan to write a series of twenty books about that one singular premise. Of course, if it's been simmering in their brains for years, it must make for a really long narrative. 

I have no right to be judgy. Maybe it's easier to laugh at someone else's obsession than laugh at my own. But you know how a particular song, rarely a good one, gets lodged in your brain? An earworm? If I had one, and only one, story that's tortured me for years, I would have to get it out so it would stop torturing me. 

But that's just me.

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