Monday, January 6, 2025

Time For a Free Book Promotion


Feeling at a standstill right now, I thought I may as well slap one of my books up on a free promotion. It's been a while, since I've been more focused on my novel, but it'd be a shame to ignore my other works, and Shadow Song is one of my best. It's only ever sold nine copies (yes, you read that right), but that's not unusual in my world. My lifetime sales totals:

New Kaitlyn ~ 41

Lies and Love ~ 41

The Diner Girl ~ 35

Inn Dreams ~ 14

Shadow Song ~ 9

Find My Way Home ~ 8

Bad Blood, Whispers in the Dark, The Apple, and Once in a Blue Moon have never sold one single copy.

And speaking of sales, I haven't made one since November 23. It's hard to get upset about something I've resigned myself to, and really, I never check my sales report anymore. My books exist; that's enough for me.

The promotion starts January 7 and runs through January 10. You heard about it here first (and won't hear about it anywhere else, not even on my website). 

About Shadow Song

In a backwoods town, finding your boss’s dead body in the woods is enough to get you charged with murder. Worse, Ashley Montrose is saddled with the most incompetent attorney in the county. She only has herself and a man she loathes to find a way out of this mess.



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