Wednesday, October 14, 2020


I am not a disciplined writer -- I wish I was. I read about people who set aside a certain hour of every day to begin their writing session, and I just can't do that. Often I don't feel like writing, especially when I've hit a snag and don't know where to take the story. Then it just seems like work, and generally pointless work. 

Here are some pointers I've run across for developing discipline:

Develop A Writing Flow    

This condenses down to, essentially, having a writing space with the same setup every day; papers, pens, coffee (or what-have-you), music.    

This is great, but who actually doesn't do that? I do it. It doesn't increase my motivation to write.


Reward Yourself For Reaching A Milestone    

I actually like this, because I like rewards! It's good to have the mindset that one hasn't failed because they didn't finish a chapter (or the whole manuscript) and there is SO MUCH more to go.        

It's far better to pat oneself on the back for what they DID accomplish.

Find Someone To Keep You Accountable    

While I agree this would work for me, it sounds too much like a job. And I don't take kindly to nags               


Just no.


Do you have techniques for maintaining discipline? Let me know.

Meanwhile, I'm off to resolve a sticky issue in my novel-in-progress.

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