Saturday, May 8, 2021

Calling It Quits

I was searching out querying videos on YouTube the other day and I found one from a published author. She advises that one should query no more than thirty agents, because there are only about thirty good agents in any genre, so going any further would...blah blah blah blah...something.

I haven't actually counted, but I'm pretty sure I've hit the max number. I still have a few outstanding queries, but some of those agents are "no answer means no" and the rest will send rejections soon enough.

I think with my second (now trunked) novel I almost hit a hundred (!) But I was naive then. So this one will be trunked, too, or maybe eventually self-published, just for kicks.

I'm also taking a break from long-form writing. I did start a new project but it has nowhere to go. I don't even have a plot in mind. At this point it's all back story. And I'm tired.

I'm going to keep blogging. Blogging requires no one's approval but mine. 

However, if any aspiring author is reading this, don't give up! Authors are naturally self-critical but if you believe in yourself and your work checks all the boxes, an agent could well take a chance on you.

At the very least, finish that novel! Then see what happens.

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