Sunday, June 27, 2021

Create Your Own Book Covers, People!


I really always hated the book covers my fiverr artist designed for me. It's not like I didn't push back a couple of times, and she did make changes, but I'm not really going to be pushy for twenty-five dollars. Finally, I just accepted them. But I hated them (did I already say that?)

I'm SO happy I found Canva. I was simply looking to create a cover for my new novel, but it was so much fun, I decided to redesign the covers for my other two novels. Granted, every bell and whistle on Canva isn't free, but they do offer a free thirty-day trial membership, which I grabbed.

So, you tell me. Below are the before and after versions of my two novels.


I've learned a bit through the process, too. Since your book cover will be a teeny-tiny postage stamp on the Amazon screen, use a photo that occupies the entirety of your "postage stamp". Closeups are better anyway. And a photo of a real person is more intriguing. Unfortunately I couldn't find a combination of blue moonlight with an actual person, so I improvised.

Also, the font style and color should ideally convey the mood of the novel. 

Once you create a project you're satisfied with, download it as a jpeg, since that is the only format Amazon accepts. (You can download a copy in other formats, too, for other purposes, if you want.)

Since I only plan to keep my membership for thirty days, I also created a cover for my novel in progress. I only have about three chapters completed and I don't even know where the story is going, so a title was a spur of the moment decision. I don't have to ultimately use the cover if it doesn't fit the completed story.

I kind of wish I had more projects to design! It's fun!

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