Thursday, September 22, 2022



I created a Twitter account under my author name, an account I admittedly rarely used, but lately I've begun perusing tweets from writers, and wow, some of these guys are really prolific time-wasters!

Today this tweet caught my eye:

Do you write more words on Twitter than you do in your WIP on any given day?

Now, I'm not a professional scold, and I definitely waste my share of time, but not when I'm writing. I understand that avoidance urge, but I'm honestly always so engrossed in my latest project that I don't have the time or desire to browse the net.

And I find scrolling through Twitter rather empty. Sure, it offers some fleeting entertainment (everybody needs that sometimes), but I always end up feeling guilty, like I should find better ways to spend my time. 

I completely understand why some authors spend more time on Twitter than they do writing. I've been there. But that's actually a warning signal. If my work in progress is engrossing, I keep writing, because I can't wait to find out what happens next (I am not an outliner!) If I flip over to Twitter or another social media site, or skim the latest news, it's because I'm bored ~ and that means my idea simply isn't working.  

Since my latest novella was published, I started two new works and then abandoned them. I have to feel inspired in order to move forward.

So, I'm taking a little break. I'm, yes, checking out Twitter, and I created a book trailer. I'm also, as you will note, blogging. Inspiration will come when it comes. What I'm not doing is trying to spin gold out of useless drivel.

Bottom line, heed your signals. If you "write more words on Twitter than you do in your WIP", it's probably not laziness; it's a bad project. Shelve it. Take a break. Try again another day.

I, for one, am somewhat patiently waiting for that day. 

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