Thursday, September 21, 2023

Something New


I'm pondering publishing a book of essays. (You know publishing is free, right?) I'm a prolific music blogger, dating back to 2007, and I could readily compile a book from my back posts. I'm still up in the air with regard to continuing to write fiction, and this project seems intriguing. I'm almost certain it would sell better than any of my novels (or all of my novels put together). 

This one would be written under my actual name and would appeal to music lovers of a certain era. One issue I will need to work around is that I tend to embed a lot of music videos in my posts, and I obviously won't be able to do that. I can't include a sentence like, "Take a look at this" when there is no "this" to watch. But I'm a compulsive editor anyway, so I'm not afraid to tackle a couple of glitches. 

I have two music blogs and between them I have a plethora of material from which to choose. And like this blog, nobody ever peruses them (I used to have followers, but Google inadvertently deleted my blog and by the time I was able to restore it, my followers were gone.) So my essays would be new to everyone.

Sure, I could come up with an idea for another novel or novella, but right now I'm not seeing the point. I do have an upcoming advertising campaign which, frankly, I haven't placed a lot of faith in, and that will probably be my last gasp as a novelist. I'm still coming to terms with that, but a new, different project will help soften the blow. 

Face it, I'm never going to stop writing. I just need to redirect.

If you happen to stumble upon this post, an atta girl would be appreciated. Heaven knows, I need all the affirmation I can get.

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