Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Asking For Reviews Is Like...


                                                                                             (my brain)

I found a list of free book reviewers, but like agents, each has her (or his) own requirements. It's like querying all over again!

I feel like an imposter trying to convince a stranger that my book is worth their time. Just read it! (I want to say.) 

One reviewer requires a synopsis. Damn, I thought I was done trying to write those three years ago. Nevertheless, I managed to dash one off. A book sounds so dry if one only reads the synopsis. Alas, I have not heard back. Yes, no response means no. I've contacted a few others, even those with very few followers, but I am not optimistic.

I also found a place called BookSirens, which according to a comprehensive post I found on Google, actually works. It costs ten dollars plus two dollars per reader (reviewer) download. Based on the independent recommendation, I contacted them. They apparently need to review your book, and then will let you know if you're "accepted" (weird for a service I would be paying for, but okay). The rest of the post goes on to detail what happens from there, but I still haven't gotten to "there". Is my book not up their standards?

The reason I stopped querying agents was that it was so demoralizing. No doubt most authors handle it better than me, and I did become somewhat hardened to the rejections after a time, but every "not for me" was like a little knife stab. Realistically I knew they hadn't even read my chapters, but it still felt like a rejection of me as an author. And now I'm back to begging for acceptance; only this time I'm offering to pay them!

The truth is, I need reviews. I'm never going to gain any traction without them. I'm eternally grateful for the few reviews I've received (and without even begging!), but "a few reviews" just won't cut it.

Just for kicks, I checked LibraryThing the other day. I apparently hadn't visited in a long time, because it only had my first two novels in its database. I had received zero reviews on those, but I have now added all my other books, and somebody could potentially grab one and review it. I'm suspecting, though, that the site isn't exactly a goldmine. Like Goodreads, its interface is not user-friendly. But Goodreads gets all the buzz and is apparently much more active. I even started a Goodreads blog ~ why, I don't know. I'm surely not going to maintain it, but I guess I hoped it might get more eyes on my books.

At this point, I should scribble a cardboard sign and stand on the street corner, begging passersby to give me a couple dollars for a book...but only if they promise to review it. But I'm averse to the cold and far too inert to even attempt that.

I will say that I'm sick of refreshing my email, hoping somebody will accept me. 



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