Monday, November 20, 2023

Feeling A Bit Calmer


I admit, I kind of freaked out yesterday after reading the Amazon sample of my book of essays. As I noted in a previous post, I'd never expected anyone to actually buy it. I was so mortified when I found a typo ("photograph" instead of "phonograph") I immediately corrected it and uploaded a new copy of the manuscript. I think I actually wrote a post once about a potential buyer finding a book sample with typos and misspelled words, and I probably scolded writers for allowing that to happen. (In my defense, the word wasn't misspelled ~ it was just the wrong word. Still my fucking fault, though.)

Today I am calmer. I mean, no one is coming at me with a pitchfork or a burning torch. None of those three buyers has used the contact form on my website to leave me a scathing comment. I immediately spot errors in books I read, but I could just be an OCD pain in the ass. And those books all had professional editors! So, I guess it happens. Still... the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. If it's just three buyers and most likely will never be more than that, I can rest easy. Besides, it's fixed now, just in case. Those three copies (plus the one I bought) that are out there? I sincerely apologize.

And now I move on....

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