Friday, November 17, 2023



A fellow indie author admonished me once to stop looking at my sales reports. I think I was bemoaning my lack of sales (I don't usually whine, except here, where I whine a lot) and she said just stop. She was right. Indie authors know. 

There is a certain podcast I watch, hosted by a commentator who began life as an author. He displays his latest novel prominently on his desk and begins every podcast talking about his sales and which best seller lists he's on. I'm pretty certain it's a great book. After all, he's written screenplays for movies starring the likes of Clint Eastwood and Michael Douglas, and he's won all kinds of book awards, including the Edgar (which was apparently named after Poe ~ what the hell do I know?) I may even buy his latest because this guy is smart, not because I read fiction, because I normally don't. But I'm digressing...

An indie author normally has little to tout, and if they did, who would they tout it to? Their mom? 

I, too, have nothing to tout. But I will say that I published BOOM! on November 2 and I snuck a peak at my sales today and found that I've sold four! Sure, one of them was to me (as I explained in another post, I keep all my books on my Kindle), but that means three people have actually purchased it! I am shocked. I have novels and novellas published that have sold zero copies. 

Now, to be realistic, I probably won't sell another copy. But I was so gratified to see that number, it made my day. Yes, my best seller list would be a sad scroll, but it means something to me.

It takes so little to make an author like me happy.

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