Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Goodreads Is Awfully Particular


Michelle Patrice's book of essays, BOOM!, is listed on the Goodreads site, so I thought, why not set up an author page? Ahh, not so fast!

They declined me. 

I don't know ~ they'd asked for weird things like my KDP email address. What the hell is a KDP email address? Yes, I have a few email addresses, but none of them were supplied by KDP. Another thing they wanted was an email address that could be verified via my website. I already have a contact form on my site, but that didn't suffice. So I updated my site and added one of my many email addresses, one I never even bother visiting. I'd already used my other for April Tompkins' Goodreads account, and they didn't seem to like my Yahoo address. 

I'll probably get declined again. I honestly didn't know what they were asking for in some of the fields, but I don't really care that much. It was just an impulse anyway. 

One piece of advice for those who formulate these requirements, though: Show your work to someone completely uninvolved and see if that person understands what you're asking for.

I get that a lot of readers visit Goodreads and that's why it's valuable for an author to have a presence there. But dang! Don't make it so hard!



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