Saturday, December 2, 2023

So, BookSirens Was A Bust

BookSirens declined me.

They don't give a reason why, but they do offer a list of possible reasons on their FAQ page. I'm assuming mine falls into the category of "we generally prioritize books which have been published in the last 30 days". I certainly hope it's not Reason #5: "We don't think your book will resonate with our readers". 

I can respect their desiring "new" books, and I guess I missed that in the fine print. While Shadow Song was originally published in January, the new, improved version was just uploaded a week ago. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't reflect that, and I suppose that is so unscrupulous authors don't try to game the system. 

From my perspective, though, if no one has read the book, it's "new". Kind of why I wanted to promote it in the first place. It's not as if I'm James Patterson, re-uploading one of my million-sellers.

I still think BookSirens' service can be useful, but in order to confirm that I would need to write a new book and get it onto their site right away. That's not happening. And I could well be declined anyway, for, you know, Reason #5.

Frankly, I'm growing weary of pursuing reviews. One can't say I haven't given it my best. I think I may still have one upcoming promotion, but I can't remember which service I booked it with. It could well be a free Library Thing promotion. (I hope it is, because I'm sick of spending money for zero return.)

Ah well, one has to keep trying things.


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