Monday, November 27, 2023

Just When An Author Is Feeling Crummy...


I never visit Goodreads. I like a site that is clear and intuitive. Goodreads' author dashboard is about this big, and since I'm a big "cover updater", when I go there to add an updated cover, it informs me that only a "librarian" can do that. Honestly, three of my listed books have woefully outdated covers. I think I've changed each of them at least three times from the original. 

But I surfed on over today because I was considering requesting some reviews, and all of the free reviewers want not only a book's Amazon link but its Goodreads link as well. 

Well, surprise! I noticed that The Diner Girl had one text review, and though I was afraid to read it, I found that it was awesome! Five stars!

(There are two other reviews ~ no narrative ~ another five-star (!) and one three-star.)

What my five-star reviewer who was kind enough to pen some words wrote:

Lovely novella with a wonderful message to share. I enjoyed all the characters. Will definitely be watching for more books by this author.

And here I thought I was a total loser. Turns out I'm not!

Okay, granted, lots of indie writers get hundreds of reviews. Maybe someone like me who gets so few appreciates them more. Today's discovery makes me want to write again. I always said "one modicum of affirmation"...

So, today I'm doing a little mental dance (not a physical dance, because I'm not that kind of dork).

And what the heck, while I'm at it, here's The Diner Girl (click the image for the link):



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