Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A Book Reviewer's Review!


One of the many reviewers I contacted a while back actually reviewed Shadow Song! Since I hadn't received a response to my review request, I'd simply written her off as a "no response means no". But not only did she review my book, she posted her review on Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon UK, and her own blog, Thought Is Free. I really, really needed some good news today.

Book Review: Shadow Song by April Tompkins


Sometimes, all you need is a quick read that will distract you and keep you entertained for a short while, and this book really hit the spot.

The author’s skill at his craft is evident in the way he portrays Ashley’s loneliness and her self-assurance in her ability to handle situations. Carefully plotted and nicely written. With a hint of suspense, every character’s emotion was expertly captured. The descriptive narration captivates you, thrills you with investigations, and has heart-warming moments that melt your heart.


I choose to forgive her for assuming I'm a "he", although I've never met a guy named April. The review still stands.

I did get a chuckle from the "carefully plotted" statement, because as you know, I never plot. It is nice, though, that the book reads as if it was truly plotted.

I am so appreciative for someone taking the time to give my book a spin. 

**I've browsed the reviewer's site a bit, and her reviews are unfailingly complimentary, but what's wrong with a bit of atta-girl or atta-boy once in a while? The fact that she actually takes the time to read all these books is a testament to her generosity of spirit.




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