Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Currently Reading"

Knowing that someone is reading my books is a new sensation. I went SO long with zero readers. I published my first two novels on KDP in 2016, and to date no one has read them. The Apple was published in 2021 before I switched over to novellas. Of the three novellas I published last year, only one, New Kaitlyn, ever garnered a review. It wasn't until I dipped my toe in the waters of promotion that anything started happening. 

Today, after gazing at my book reviewer's review of Shadow Song on Goodreads, I took a cursory glance at my other books' status, which have been perpetually inert. Surprise! One person is currently reading The Diner Girl, one is reading Find My Way Home*, and one person has New Kaitlyn on her "to read" list.

*If one is going to choose one of my works to read, unfortunately Find My Way Home is not ideal. The novella began with a good premise, but this was one of those times that lack of plotting didn't magically produce a stellar result. 

I think, too, with regard to Goodreads, my blogging was a nice little nudge. I'm pretty good in short bursts, especially when I don't overthink my writing; and I have no way of knowing, but I bet most authors don't take advantage of that little Goodreads perk. (I wouldn't have, either, but the blog option was just sitting there, lonely, and I was compelled to fill that void.) And I actually have three followers! I think I need to create a new post.

So, at last I'm seeing a tiny bit of movement. That makes me happy.


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