Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Okay, Yea, Author Newsletters


I think I talked a while back about the Subscriber Surge promotion I opted into. The gist of it is, you offer one of your books as one of twenty novels in a particular genre, and people sign up to win all twenty, plus a free Kindle. If they additionally subscribe to an author's mailing list, they get additional chances to win. The more authors' mailing lists they sign up for, the more entries they get.

It's a unique concept. In total I received access to 269 email addresses. In the first batch that Written Word media sent me, there were 99 folks to which I could send a newsletter. Thirty days later, I received an additional 170. 

So I dutifully established a Substack account and cobbled together a newsletter (which I thought was pretty good), and zoom, off it went to 99 people. I garnered three followers. I was frankly surprised I got any.

Then, when the second (larger) batch of emails came my way, I sent a welcoming message to them via Substack. Not one person even opened it, much less subscribed. What the hell? Didn't even open? How did they know there wouldn't be some stupendous prize inside? 

Now, granted, Substack totally confuses me. To be fair, I don't even know if my second newsletter even went out. Seriously. To use the site successfully one needs a masters degree in gobbledygook. I actually hate it. But now I'm stuck with it. I guess I could fumble my way around the site and try to figure out what I'm doing and where I'm going wrong, but the fact remains that 3 hits out of 269 is sh*t. 

I have to laugh (derisively) at all the dead ends I've traveled down. And I'm too dunderheaded to know when to throw in the towel. 

I now feel obligated to post something for those three brave subscribers, and I got nothin'. Nothing to say. 

Good lord...


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