Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Once you find yourself added to a mailing list, they lure you in. I don't even remember subscribing to The Fussy Librarian's emails, but somehow I did. I'd looked over their promo packages once, I think because Bargain Booksy recommended them. But because Bargain Booksy had been such a bust for me, I was in no mood to lay down any more dollars.

Today I received an email from TFL, offering a 10% discount on a free book promo. I decided to check it out, but then I thought, why? Another free book? Hey, why don't I make all my Amazon offerings free, too? Here's my thinking: If you have such a low opinion of your own books that you're giving them away, why would anyone think they're valuable? As is, I'm pricing mine at $1.99, and if someone truly can't afford to spend two bucks on a book, why are they even browsing? Hey, shopper ~ the majority of books on Amazon's site cost far more than that. 

I already have a free promotion scheduled with Bookbub, which many more people have heard of than The Fussy Librarian, and that promo was only set up because someone I admire recommended it. 

But then I decided to take a look at TFL's bargain book advertising prices. And they hooked me. Twenty-two dollars isn't outrageous, at least not compared to Bargain Booksy's pricing. And Bargain Booksy doesn't even let an author choose a precise genre (I had to go with "literary fiction"). 

So, once again I'm pushing Shadow Song ~ for $1.99. My promo is scheduled for December 16. If nothing else, I will soon know if any of these promo sites are worth a damn.

Then I promise ~ I'm done. 

I think I have too much free time on my hands. I normally don't fall for every scheme someone emails me about. For my own well-being, I should just click "unsubscribe". 

Oh, and I should add that I don't even know if The Fussy Librarian will accept my ad (although they certainly accepted my money). I should have an answer in 24 hours. Hopefully, they won't be as finicky as BookSirens (who I've scratched off my list). 

My next goal is to start writing again ~ umm, after Christmas, that is.

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