Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Rejected By Library "Thing"


That crappy little site, LibraryThing, rejected by book giveaway. I don't actually care, because this is a site that even its owners don't seem to care about, by the looks of its interface.

"ER policy states that books offered must be either forthcoming or published within the last six months."

So, they have an ER policy? Are masks required? How does their triage work?

What is with some of these sites that they're so adamant about "new" books? Do their readers really care that I want to give away a book that's seven months old? I ran into the same issue with BookSirens (I think. They didn't actually give me a reason for their rejection). I'm okay if no one wants to take advantage of a free book ~ lord knows I have plenty of experience with that ~ but to not even have the opportunity to offer one?

I don't even know how LibraryThing entered my consciousness. I have a vague recollection of a friend recommending it to me as a means of obtaining free books (I wasn't a writer then), so I joined but actually never utilized it. When I began to acquire a catalog of my own, I remembered it and thought, why not? I paid no heed to its published "selling points".

It seems that its primary purpose is allowing readers to "catalog" their books. Why would anyone even want to do that? It seems a little OCD. One can also "track your reading progress". What? I just generally look at the status bar on my Kindle to approximate how much of a book I have left to read. I'm not even sure these are the types of people I want to interact with. A bit too persnickety for my taste. 

I think I will just cross this site off my list of online resources. It's clearly a loser. 

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