Saturday, January 6, 2024

Correcting Mistakes

I've been trying to figure out where my newsletter went wrong. Yes, there are changes I would make and mistakes I didn't notice. For one thing, my website link at the bottom of the page isn't clickable, although it presents as a normal link. I don't fault myself for that, but it was up to me to catch that via my test email and I didn't.

Two; yes, I did aim for simplicity, but I think my narrative was too simple. There was really no meat, per se. I operated under the assumption that people won't sit and sift through a wordy missive, and while I still hold to that, it definitely could have been more interesting. As is, it was barely there. 

Overall, the whole thing looks amateurish.

Here it is:

 (The fuzziness is because it's a web capture.)

Anyway, I have plenty of time to think about it. I'm not about to drive more people away by spamming them. 

And no, I have still received no entries for my giveaway. 

If I decide to send another communication next month, I will definitely choose a different template and endeavor to sound like the writer I actually am. 

I'm just not going to worry about that right now.

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