Saturday, January 6, 2024

My Initial Newsletter Results

My first newsletter went out yesterday. I was excited! At last I would establish a two-way communication with "my readers". (Okay, they aren't technically readers of my works, but they did sign up for my newsletter to increase their chances of winning a big book giveaway. Still counts.)

My stats? Thirty-three out of 173 people opened it! (That doesn't actually deserve an exclamation point, but I'm trying to be positive.) MailerLite tells me I got four clicks. I have no idea what that even means. Clicks on what? If it's clicks on my giveaway, that's not true, because I checked and absolutely no one has entered. I'm surprised. I love free stuff, even if it's something I have no use for. I just love getting something free.

I will note that the newsletter undoubtedly ended up in a lot of spam folders, as it did with both alternate email addresses of mine that I subscribed under as a test. I don't think there's any way around that. My Blogger website does not offer a dedicated email address, and I am told that communications sent from gmail or other "generic" mail hosts are often flagged as spam.

One person did unsubscribe. I would rather they do than to simply put up with "spam" they have no use for. I'm anticipating more unsubscriptions in the next few days. One confusing aspect of MailerLite's stats is that although they show just one unsubscription, they have reduced my number of subscribers by three.

I truly hoped that my giveaway would garner some interest. I suppose in my next newsletter (if there is a next newsletter) I can slap in three made-up names as "the winners", but I was hoping for actual live people. I won't actually do that; I'll just not mention the giveaway at all. Nor will I try to give stuff away again. But that leaves me with really nothing to talk about. I just laughed to myself at something I read online regarding newsletters. A few people suggested adding a quiz. There you go! I could do a quiz about one of my books that nobody has read! Better make it multiple choice. 

Perhaps today I'll see a tiny sign of engagement. Then again, maybe I just won't look. 

Seems I always fall for stuff ~ ideas that sound great in the abstract, but never pay off.

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