Friday, January 5, 2024

Erased One Of My Titles From Existence

I admit, I was kind of grasping for things to do once I'd burned out on writing. I was in no mood to start a new project, because starting is simply the worst. I'm not convinced that having an outline would even be helpful. It strikes me as paint-by-number. Well, first you've gotta write this and then you proceed to Subtopic A. Great for those who swear by them, but I've written enough instruction manuals throughout my career to last me two lifetimes. They're very dry, and the most interesting part about writing them was lining up the headings correctly. On the other hand, free flow is no picnic, either. That's why the start of all my books sort of meandered around until I went back and edited them. I had no idea where I was headed. I simply hoped I would eventually head off somewhere. 

Too, none of my books were selling. So I got the bright idea of combining four of my novellas into a collection, a kind of "Greatest Hits" (I say, ironically). It's gone nowhere. I suppose one can't sell their greatest hits until they actually have a hit. 

Today, while I haven't unpublished it, I've removed it from my website. I would unpublish it, but trying to get a book removed from Goodreads is an almost insurmountable feat. The moderators' default response is to push back; argue. It would take less time to simply comply, but they must have their reasons for balking. So, if it's going to remain on Goodreads, it may as well stay on Amazon, too.

On a semi-related note, my first MailerLite newsletter will be sent out today at nine a.m. What's nice about this one (as opposed to my practically-defunct Substack page) is that I will pretty quickly get a feel for engagement. Since I'm offering a giveaway and people need to click a link to participate, the initial responses or lack thereof will tell me if this is at all worthwhile or if I need to take my newsletter in a different direction. Thus, soon I will either be deliriously happy or inconsolable.

Such is the life of an author.



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