Wednesday, January 3, 2024

"Currently Reading" ~ Part 2

It seems the professional book review for Shadow Song did pay off a bit, proving once again that reviews are the name of the self-publishing game. Absolutely no one had read my novella (on Goodreads at least) before the review was posted. Now I have one "currently reading". Scoff if you will, but had you traveled with me down that long road of obscurity, you'd agree that it's a win. 

To sum up the "currently reading" tally, that's one for Shadow Song, one for The Diner Girl, one for Find My Way Home (eeek!) and one "to-read" for New Kaitlyn. Nice.

I think I'm just a plodder. While indie science fiction and fantasy novels are scooped up like spilled gold, mine are a (very) slow burn. My potential audience is not made up of risk-takers. In fact, I'm picturing them as women like me; not from the demographic that my main characters inhabit, but people who've already tread those thirty-something waters. Thus, they no longer rush headlong into anything, especially a book by a nobody author. A little review nudge might be enough for them to chance it. 

I'm honestly okay with baby steps. At least they're steps.

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