Thursday, January 25, 2024

Never Surrender

With a clearer mind today, I've decided I'm not giving up on acquiring ARC readers. I did upload my novella on KDP for pre-order so I would have an IBSN (or ASIN) available for a Library Thing giveaway. The only thing I hated about Library Thing's giveaway screen was its "comp authors" requirement. I have no comp authors, and trying to find some is a ridiculous enterprise. Nevertheless, I plugged in the minimum number, which I obtained by doing a cursory search on the site, and it appears my submission may be approved (of course, I thought that about BookSirens, too). None of these three authors' books are semi-close to my plot, but I had to enter something.

I also found a list of Goodreads ARC groups and I posted under five of them (the sixth appears to be defunct). I haven't received any notifications yet, but the hour is early. Maybe I won't get any; at least I can say I tried.

If I get either really desperate or really indiscriminate, I can also try the various Facebook groups listed. My hesitation is because I'll probably forget to check the stupid site and I would look like a heel for not responding to the one or two requests I might garner.

I still have my February newsletter to send, although newsletters for me have been a dead end. Still, I'll add a call for ARC readers. What can it hurt?

All the paid sites present red flags ~ either cost or pitiable number of reviews promised ~ and of course, one paid site has ruled me out.

If anyone does respond on Goodreads, there is the issue of needing to send the ARC via email. Some folks may not want to share their email address, and I'm not going to pay a site to host my ARC. I'm so sick of paying for things.

Finishing a project is a good thing, but it leaves me too much time to fret over marketing. I've grown to hate marketing. Putting myself out there is uncomfortable. I don't even use a photo of myself on my website. 

But I'm not a quitter. At least not yet.

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