Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Trying The Impossible

I've been down this road before with BookSirens. They rejected me the first time I submitted to them, because, I'm assuming, my book was too old. Either that, or they don't have enough women's fiction readers. I'm choosing to believe it was the first. They didn't ask for the manuscript this time, so a rejection can't possibly be due to quality issues. (By the by, the quality is excellent.)

I did all the excruciating work of converting my docx to mobi, epub, and PDF. I honed my blurb, I managed to craft a tagline. Now comes the wait. I'm thinking I'll know by tomorrow (or even by later today) if they've rejected me. If they do, I'll possibly search out other options. Or possibly not.

While I was loading Lies and Love into Kindle Create, I realized that I didn't like three of my other books' descriptions (the app has a back pages option to list other books by me), so I updated the blurbs on KDP. Then I subsequently noticed that the formatting of The Apple was atrocious. I'd uploaded it to KDP before Kindle Create even existed. So I wasted precious time modifying the manuscript, dumping it into Kindle Create and re-uploading a presentable copy. I still have to tackle my other two novels, which are no doubt just as badly formatted. Good thing no one's purchased them. 

As far as my other means of gaining ARC readers, those have been a bust. I've tried Goodreads, Instagram, Facebook (ick), Twitter, LinkedIn. The only option left is my "wildly popular" newsletter, which won't go out until the first of February, since it's Valentine's Day themed. 

If everything fails, which is a likely possibility, I'll just publish and be done with it. It's true that I'm not very neighborly. I don't interact with folks online much ~ it's simply too much effort to pretend to be interested in other authors, when I'm not. I haven't logged into my Twitter author account in months. Instagram? I never scroll through the posts; I just slap my occasional marketing attempts up and get out. Facebook is psychic hell. The only thing LinkedIn is good for, apparently, is to be pestered to buy other members' services. I haven't trawled Reddit yet, but I'm kind of too old for that place anyway. I only joined out of desperation. 

I am strict about keeping my personal and my author Twitter accounts separate, but I cast caution to the wind and even posted a plea to my personal account. I'll probably think better of it tomorrow and delete the post. I don't want to be infamous for being a failed author on my personal account. I'd rather just be anonymous me.

And thus is how I spent my day. 

Writing is so much easier.


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