Saturday, January 27, 2024

Writing While Old

When one reaches a certain age, they are keenly aware of their mortality. I started writing seriously about nine years ago ~ that's late. It took until about three years ago to become good at it. That's really late. I don't advertise my age, because that has nothing to do with creativity or competency as a writer. I know it's fashionable now to hate old people, but believe it or not, we do possess characteristics that only arrive with age. I won't say "wisdom", because we currently have a creaking old man in the White House who his acolytes delight in calling "wise"; and I don't want to be compared to that guy. However, there is no substitute for life experience.  

All of this is to say that, yea, I'm a bit desperate when it comes to making my mark as a writer. Because, you see, I don't have much time to waste. 

I instinctively know that my writing doesn't have universal appeal. I don't write as a wide-eyed twenty-year-old optimist would, because I guess I know better. I do write characters that are half my age, but they have a point of view that's maybe a bit resigned, or at least practical. They tend to question reality a lot and remark on life's absurdities, because life is absurd. Contrary to younger people's worldview, life isn't a bed of daisies. If I was marketing, which I no longer am, I would try to figure out how to appeal to an older demographic ~ people who remember being the main character's age, but can relate to her problems with a knowing eye. In other words, people like me.

I don't write about old people, even though I'm old. Kids somehow have the impression that all people like me could write about would be our joint problems or a book of "old-timey" sayings. I write younger characters because they have a future; thus, more narrative possibilities. 

It could be that my writings give away my age, though. I write complete words and complete sentences. I don't substitute some made-up slang for an actual word. I don't start a sentence with a conjunction. Unless it's for emphasis. Face it, I'm antiquated.

The one thing I do struggle with, though, is accepting my fate. That's why I've gone down the road of marketing. The good news is, I'm growing more comfortable with reality.


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